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Violin for Dummies

Price: $24.99
Item Number: 38332
Publisher: Mel Bay
Book/CD/ROM set. One of the most popular musical instruments, the violin also has a reputation of being amongst the most difficult to play. With this book, aspiring violinists will be able to teach themselves how to play violin, even if they've never read a note of music. Designed for the absolute beginner, Dummies takes readers from holding the violin and bow properly to playing popular classical, jazz, gypsy, and fiddle tunes. Topics covered include: tuning ; holding the violin and bow properly; understanding rhythm and musical notation; understanding harmony; shaping the violin's sound; playing in various styles; choosing and maintaining a violin. Includes a CD-ROM with a recording of every exercise and musical accompaniment for each song. Also included on the CD-ROM are video clips, enabling readers to see proper posture and finger positions. Beginners. 368 pp.

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